over 6 years ago
Landlords urged to consider pets!
According to First National Real Estate’s Chief Executive, Ray Ellis some of the best rental tenants are those with animals!
This is because they are committed to staying in a property longer, which reduces overall wear and tear and increases a landlord’s annual yield, and Australian research suggests landlords may be able to achieve between 7 and 14 per cent more rent to secure the tenancy.
‘The experience of our members is that responsible pet owners are usually very well prepared, when they submit their applications. They frequently have already obtained references from former landlords and neighbours, confirming their pets are well managed and not an annoyance to the neighbourhood where they previously lived’ says Mr Ellis.
‘We always remind landlords that flagging their vacant property “Pet Friendly” provides them a bigger pool of tenants from which to choose, that these types of tenants usually stay longer, and they’re sometimes willing to pay a little more, or sign some additional reasonable conditions on their lease, to offset a landlord’s concerns. We’re committed to the welfare of pets by encouraging landlords to consider applicants with pets.’
Finding a pet-friendly rental online is as simple as marking the pet-friendly box or looking out for properties that feature First National Real Estate’s pet friendly symbol.
The payment of a ‘pet deposit’ or ‘pet bond’ is very common in some parts of the world, but not permitted in most states of Australia.
9 good reasons to consider pets
1.Pet owning tenants are generally willing to pay more rent
2.Pet-friendly properties rent faster
3.Responsible pet owners can make excellent tenants
4.Tenants with pets want to hold longer leases
5.Reduce your advertising spend
6.No more problems with ‘hidden’ pets
7.Reduce animal euthanasia; animal welfare agencies indicate that as many as 30% of dogs and cats are surrendered by owners who can’t find adequate accommodation
8.Considering pets will not lock you into a pet- particular outcome
9.Pet application and agreement forms help landlords and agents implement effective pet management policies
This is because they are committed to staying in a property longer, which reduces overall wear and tear and increases a landlord’s annual yield, and Australian research suggests landlords may be able to achieve between 7 and 14 per cent more rent to secure the tenancy.
‘The experience of our members is that responsible pet owners are usually very well prepared, when they submit their applications. They frequently have already obtained references from former landlords and neighbours, confirming their pets are well managed and not an annoyance to the neighbourhood where they previously lived’ says Mr Ellis.
‘We always remind landlords that flagging their vacant property “Pet Friendly” provides them a bigger pool of tenants from which to choose, that these types of tenants usually stay longer, and they’re sometimes willing to pay a little more, or sign some additional reasonable conditions on their lease, to offset a landlord’s concerns. We’re committed to the welfare of pets by encouraging landlords to consider applicants with pets.’
Finding a pet-friendly rental online is as simple as marking the pet-friendly box or looking out for properties that feature First National Real Estate’s pet friendly symbol.
The payment of a ‘pet deposit’ or ‘pet bond’ is very common in some parts of the world, but not permitted in most states of Australia.
9 good reasons to consider pets
1.Pet owning tenants are generally willing to pay more rent
2.Pet-friendly properties rent faster
3.Responsible pet owners can make excellent tenants
4.Tenants with pets want to hold longer leases
5.Reduce your advertising spend
6.No more problems with ‘hidden’ pets
7.Reduce animal euthanasia; animal welfare agencies indicate that as many as 30% of dogs and cats are surrendered by owners who can’t find adequate accommodation
8.Considering pets will not lock you into a pet- particular outcome
9.Pet application and agreement forms help landlords and agents implement effective pet management policies
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