over 6 years ago
Changes to Domestic Violence Laws come in place 28th February
While the full details of the changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010 have not be released by Department of Fair Trading or the NSW Government, the changes relating to domestic violence have been and will take affect from the 28th February 2019. A deadline that is approaching quickly.
The changes relate to section 105B of the Act and will allow a victim of domestic violence to abandon a lease without penalty (break lease fee or notice period), identify who qualifies as a victim of domestic violence, strengthen the rights of a co-tenant (but not perpetrator) of a domestic violence act and limit the liability of tenants or co-tenants for damage to a property caused by a perpetrator of domestic violence as well as protecting the personal information of a victim.
Our team have been to multiple training events to come up to date with the proposed changes so rest assure we are ready for the first round of changes and will continue to do so as more details are released.
As an industry recognised expert in this area Ali Haggarty has been a part of the negotiations with the NSW Government and Fair Trading over these and some of the other proposed changes to the Act so the rest of the team have a great source of knowledge on the subject. Feel free to give her a call for more information if you think the changes might affect you and your property situation on 0427 530 784.
The changes relate to section 105B of the Act and will allow a victim of domestic violence to abandon a lease without penalty (break lease fee or notice period), identify who qualifies as a victim of domestic violence, strengthen the rights of a co-tenant (but not perpetrator) of a domestic violence act and limit the liability of tenants or co-tenants for damage to a property caused by a perpetrator of domestic violence as well as protecting the personal information of a victim.
Our team have been to multiple training events to come up to date with the proposed changes so rest assure we are ready for the first round of changes and will continue to do so as more details are released.
As an industry recognised expert in this area Ali Haggarty has been a part of the negotiations with the NSW Government and Fair Trading over these and some of the other proposed changes to the Act so the rest of the team have a great source of knowledge on the subject. Feel free to give her a call for more information if you think the changes might affect you and your property situation on 0427 530 784.
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